
Neuf-Brisach signs an agreement to preserve water and biodiversity

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Sustainability Engagement

Site Life

Constellium is proud to announce the signing of a “Water and Climate Agreement” with the local authorities on October 10, 2023. This three-year agreement details an ambitious action plan to reduce water consumption and preserve biodiversity at the Neuf-Brisach facility. 

Neuf-Brisach is already an active partner of the “Rhin Vivant” program, an initiative led in partnership with local communities and authorities to promote a comprehensive, coordinated approach to preserving water and biodiversity in the Rhine region.

"We are proud to contribute to these initiatives and to work with our partners to promote biodiversity on our site," commented Willem Loué, Neuf-Brisach Plant Manager. "This commitment is in line with our Group-wide sustainable development policy."