
Ravenswood, West Virginia, U.S.

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“Through working at Constellium, I have gotten to learn how to use some interesting pieces of scientific equipment including a Scanning Electron Microscope as well as a Laser Microscope. I have had the opportunity to connect with other engineers and scientists, especially a few my age, because of Constellium. The Global Engineering Development Program (GEDP) is a great way to connect with other young engineers from across the company and I am looking forward to participating in the program." 
- Jenna Wilson, Metallurgist and GEDP Member

“I was born and raised in Rwanda. I chose to work in West Virginia because I found what I was looking for at Constellium: a safe working environment and a place where I can share my knowledge and ideas. Additionally, the people are welcoming and they make you feel important. The work I do makes a difference and feels acknowledged. Constellium Ravenswood is a great fit for me and my future as an engineer.” 
- Eddwine Rwigema, Reliability Engineer

"Constellium has provided me several opportunities to grow in technical and interpersonal skills. The experience I have gone through on my rotations has broadened my horizons onto what I am learning in classes and has provided me insight on how the industry works. I feel confident in saying that my experience here has guided my path for the rest of my life." 
- Koehler Widner, Constellium Intern and University of Kentucky Student